There is no better fair-weather activity than a drive in the country without a care in the world. The traffic is thin, the sun is beaming down, and the air is warm; it is the perfect time for cruising around in your special car. This car is your pride and joy! You invested in a luxury sports car, a beautiful antique model, or a collectible that you want to pamper, spoil, and show off.
HyberCare is subscription service dedicated to collectible, luxury, and antique cars; focusing on a winter “turndown” service, a marketplace for sales, and a portal to showcase your special car at events or in movies.
Today, an all-in-one service for your special car does not exist. There is an industry that winterizes boats, but if you want to winterize your jewel at the end of the season, this service does not exist. If you want to showcase your prized possession, that is a separate website, and if you want to sell your special car, that is another marketplace.
HyberCare’s focus is three-fold. Our winter “turndown” service gets your special car ready for its long nap. We perform a multistep process that keeps your prized vehicle in pristine condition until it is ready to go again in the spring. When winter is over, we come back and unpackage your special car for you to enjoy again. The owner can list their car on our marketplace platform to be showcased in a movie, promotion event, or at a wedding. When the owner is ready to sell, we help them find a new home for their investment.
If you are a collectible, antique, or luxury car owner and you want to treat your special car,
please sign up to our newsletter to stay in touch.

Ali Moyasser
Chief Executive Officer
Ali is highly experienced in the motor vehicle industry. In his 25 years of experience, he operated heavy trucks and developed in-depth knowledge in their heavy mechanics. Today, he is a partner in a transportation company and sells autos in his private dealership gallery. His extensive knowledge in this industry makes him well-suited in developing this unique venture.